In 2022, Eastern Montana Community Mental Health Center (EMCMHC) received funding from the state of Montana County Tribal Matching Grant (CTMG) to assess the current state of our community’s behavioral health crisis system and develop a multi-sectoral plan to better serve individuals with mental health and substance use disorders at-risk for or already involved in the justice system. The project will lay the foundation for establishing a behavioral health crisis coalition to oversee the development of an effective crisis response system.
On August 22nd and 23rd, 2022 a total of 27 community partners from 13 organizations convened in Miles City, MT to develop key areas of interest for future work to improve the behavioral health crisis system in
Custer County.
This report summarizes the work of the Sequential Intercept Model process. The report contains:
• Background information and data on behavioral health crisis in Custer County
• Agendas for each day
• Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to the current behavioral health crisis system
• The Custer County Sequential Intercept Model map
• An action plan for improving the behavioral health crisis system in Custer County